Jul 17, 2008


Six months have now elapsed since the online inauguration of Canterbury Heritage, a journal of social history and cultural heritage.

Although a facility to analyse readership statistics was set up at inception, in an effort to avoid that Godzonian predilection for self-congratulation, we managed not to peek at them, until now...

However, among recent requests for re-publication rights has come a question about just how widely known and appreciated the journal is. Accordingly, we're pleased to be able to report a current monthly readership of 2,244.

The use of a blog, rather than a conventional web site, for the journal may appear somewhat unusual. However, there are distinct advantages in this format. Not the least of these being that, consequential to specific programming techniques (which we're not about to divulge), Canterbury Heritage articles appear in Google search results within two hours of publication.



Anonymous said...

I really enjoy this site - I have you on my iGoogle page and can immediately see when new blogs are added. I'm interested in almost every post, and love that I can review what's been written in the past. I have suggested to your site to a number of people.

kuaka said...

Happy anniversary - from an outsider! Nice work. The blog format is a spur to a reader maintaining reading frequency rather than more sporadic viewing of a conventional web site. Presumably a constraint on the blogger is not being able to post more complex or longer pieces.

Marcus Castell said...

Thanks for the feedback folks.

The blog format is not really a restraint to posting more complex or longer pieces.

Individual pages of text up to 250 Kb in size can be created with Google Pages and seamlessly linked in to the blog.

Likewise images up to full screen size (1024x768 pixels) can be posted on flickr and linked to smaller versions on the blog.

We're soon to publish an entire book on the blog: the illustrated memoirs of the Surveyor Edward Jollie. It involves researchers in four countries and a preliminary proof is already online at Edward Jollie Memoir.