A pair of photographs, taken within the same hour and from vantage points barely twenty metres apart, that epitomise the best of the historic and contemporary aspects of the city.

A westerly view of the Provincial Council buildings from across the Avon River at Oxford Terrace between Armagh and Gloucester Streets.

An easterly view of high rise buildings facing on to Victoria Square from the south side of Armagh Street, between Oxford Terrace and Colombo Street.
A westerly view of the Provincial Council buildings from across the Avon River at Oxford Terrace between Armagh and Gloucester Streets.
An easterly view of high rise buildings facing on to Victoria Square from the south side of Armagh Street, between Oxford Terrace and Colombo Street.
What a massive difference!
I could walk into the top pic and never want to leave :)
It was lunch time on a very hot day (yesterday) and the tree shaded banks of the river are a good place to while away a pleasant hour.
No comparison is there...i know which i prefer....
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